welcome / resources / administrative
David Haney


David is 56 years old and resides in Arizona. He enjoys his 3 children, 7 grandchildren, and playing golf.

David has years of entreprenurial experience in developing companies. During the 70's he owned a janitorial company with 25+ crews, an asphalt company with 10+ crews, and was a partner in several real estate partnerships. During the 80's, he was a franchise developer in the food, construction, and advertising industries. During the 90's, he owned a software company with 40+ employees and 700+ clients.

David is a licensed real estate agent and the manager of Arizona First Development LLC.

(602) 799-5399

Gail Esposito


Gail Esposito is 49 years old, born in Chicago and resides in Arizona. She enjoys horseback riding.

Gail attended UCLA and Santa Monica College for Business Management and accounting. She has been the financial controller for music producers, recording studios, software and real estate companies for over 20 years.Gail is the bookkeeper for Arizona First Development LLC.

(602) 402-5472